Monday, 10 May 2021

[GAME] Relationship Dice

 This is a little game I Invented when I was travelling Russia in 2010, I had broken up with a girl and was feeling depressed about the baggage we both brought to the relationship and how it broke us up, and I was thinking about this.. like.. imagine we could "see" this baggage and somehow mitigate it.. and it lead me down this path to invent

Relationship Dice:

What you need are several pairs of dice, but it is possible with only 2 dice and paper & pen(cil)s instead.

Its multiplayer and its roleplay, you should describe the results to the other players, get them engaged in your story.

The Idea of the game, is to get married before your friends, but be warned, if your friends get married in the same turn, and their relationship score is above yours, they might win, and further more, you might actually lose the game by getting married too early. Its a risk-reward game of dice and numbers, but if you roleplay your numbers, well, it can be so much more.


First, you roll your "looks" score on d6. If you are a girl you add 1 straight away.

Second roll your "baggage" on d6. If you are a boy you minus 1 straight away.

Your personality is 10, minus looks and baggage, +d6.


Timeline is approx 1 year of life, starting from 16. 

For the first 3 turns, you can add d6-1 to your looks, if you roll a 1 or a 6 , you can add 1 to baggage.

Each turn you are single, add 1 to baggage, and 1 to happiness if at least one other friend is single too.

If you are single, you can roll for a new relationship, and if you are in a relationship, you can roll on the relationship chart.

If two people are single, and 'team up' they both reroll 1s and 6s for their relationship roll.


When you 'meet' you roll 2d6, this is the 'score' of your partner when you meet them. If their score is within 3 points of your "looks" you can choose to gain them as a 'partner' and are dating. Caveat: If you want to, you can 'pursue' them for a 2nd turn, and add your happiness to your looks, to win them over.


If at any time you want to end the relationship, you may choose to do so with a -1 happiness and +1 baggage. also, lose all love, gain half the love score as 'sadness' and +1 baggage if your love was above 10.

If at any time, your baggage is above your love, your relationship will fail, lose 2 happiness, gain 2 sadness, you are now single.

In the first turn, you roll 2d6 and add it to your love score and halve any sadness you have. If you are not happy with this score, you can end the relationship and roll again for a new relationship, with a -1 happiness and +1 baggage. Else you can end your turn and be single.

2nd turn: roll 2d6 for love, d6 for baggage and +2 happiness.

3rd turn: roll 2d6-2 for love, d6 for baggage and +2 happiness.

4th, 5th and 6th turn, roll 1d6-1 for love, d6 for baggage and +1 happiness IF your love is at least double your baggage.

7th+ turn, +1 to baggage and +1 to happiness IF your love is at least above baggage.

AT any point you decide to get married. First is the Pre wedding jitters turn, roll 2d6 add it to baggage(you found out about an ex- that is still in the picture), -1 from looks, (you saw them on the toilet?) check your scores against the rules.

Then on the wedding day, you get to add 2d6 (for how great they look in their wedding dress) to your love score. and 2d6 to the baggage score for all the ways they disappoint you in the year following, minus 1 for each year you were in the relationship prior (i.e. 7 years of relationship = -7 to the love and baggage rolls) and add a bonus +1 to happiness.

On the turn anyone declared they are getting married, all players get to complete that turn, and everyone plays one final turn. The First Married couple minus 2 from the love score (post honeymoon jitters)

Once the final turn plays out. Add up your happiness scores. All players who got married get 1 "game" score, The player with the highest happiness scores 1 "game" score. the player with the highest love score gets 1 "game" score, the player with the least baggage gets 1 "game" score, The Player with the most relationships gets 1 "game" score, and the Player who said this is a dumb game gets 1 "game" score. 

Score up your game scores, and compare it to your own lives.. we're all winners and losers. 

To Extend the game, you can add in, Children Dice, Job Dice and Health dice. Fun for all ages!

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