Sunday, 11 July 2021

Necromancy, Afterlife, and Apprentices

 There are often whole thoughts on why X would work, or wouldn't work.. and today I read about Necromancy here: 

Ban on Necromancy

So the thought for me is, that we are forgetting many external factors. such as Gods, and Afterlife.

Gods, not wanting their followers to be removed from their heaven, would maybe get a bit miffed at someone resurrecting's someone, and offering them a better deal

"Welcome back to the land of the living, now that you had a taste of your gods 'hell' (or meagre version of heaven) would you like to convert to our faith, where even the morally ambiguous are granted a half decent hovel in our heaven"

Does the act of the body, affect the permissions of the soul? what if an evil necromancer raised a paladin from the dead, and have them using their smite abilities, fought off their own kin, and the god, talking to the paladins soul, saying, 'sorry buddy, I don't write the rules, you've now killed too many people, you don't get to stay here now'

I would guess not, but that's down to an individual gods abilities.. maybe the pantheon they are a part of, hold strict views on the body, the soul, the wraith and the spirit, as any commits a crime means the whole has committed a crime. 

In DD12:

Necromancy exists in 4 basic forms, and in combinations another 6 forms

Fire, Earth, Air and Water, with Fire+Earth, Fire+Air, Fire+Water, Earth+Air, Earth+Water, and Air+Water.

(technically there are 10 other forms, as Fire+Earth is not identical to Earth+Fire, just similar enough that most people don't realise there is a difference) also rarer are the 3 form combinations, and the singular 4th form, which technically also has 16 variants

90% of necromancy is Earth, and ignores the other 3 basic elements, allowing any force to inhabit the earth

Earth Necromancy:

Matter, the form of the body, the Bones, the Flesh, is reanimated. Unknown to the Necromancer though is that water + Fire also inhabit the body, as the Electrical current that flows through the body to signal the muscles, to animate the form.. and this leaves a 'gap' in the pysionomy of the Undead, that demons and spirits can inhabit this empty shell. (any port in a storm)

The Original Inhabitant of the body, can also, if they know the magic, return to the body (why would they?) and take back control.

So, a Necromancer, would never, re-animate another sorcerer, the body might want revenge. And the Mage, might want to come back and have another go, using this 'undying' body to get some actual work done, without needing to eat, sleep, defecate or even breathe.

Though, some Necromancers, might want apprentices.. 

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