Wednesday 28 September 2022

Red pill, $10mil, Blue Pill $10 a click - Meme Math


1 month to hit 10 mill.. I’ve done the math, Blue pill, every single instance, here’s why:

Google 200bpm playlist. as an example.

You’ll find hundreds of songs you can click your fingers to, and you’ll barely notice you’re doing it.

2 hands, 200bpm = 400 clicks. I just did one as a test and could click in the ‘off beat’ just as easy without any issue, but lets stick to average folk.

400 click = $4k 10 songs, 3 minutes each, 30mins of listening to the playlist and clicking, and you’re up $120k

do this in the morning as you get ready, and in the night before bed, and 20mins for lunch, and that $10mil? will only be a month.


Hang on, that's a lot of clicking right?

Lets tone it down.. you get ready in the morning, put on one of these songs and just click away for an hour, but you’re not always clicking, and not to every song, so lets say you only clicked one hand, and for only half the songs.

85 days.. or 3 months.. and you’ve got 10 mil.

Lets be realistic, you don’t need 10 mil right now,

Ok, ok, lets be more realistic

the Taxman is going to catch onto your magic powers, and if you took $10mil, good luck trying to prove its yours. 

What do you need, a down payment on a home loan? proof of income for 2 months? a car to get around, and general bills

So, put on Black Eyed Peas Hey Mama, 3 minutes at 200 bpm, you've just pocketed $6 grand.

Pay off your bills, take your partner out for dinner, relax. 

Set up a cash business, you need to create a 'means' by which you're getting this money.

Something that will bring in a half mil a year, without blinking.

Something you can be 'clicking' along to a song, and no-one will care.

A "thrift" store. Antiques, curios, exotic object de art. 

Go buy a bunch of random $10 items from other thrift stores, just 'click' your fingers a few times to pay for them, bring them to your location as 'donated' items. 

Put 2 prices on everything, one in red, one in blue.

When people ask, the red price, at 1/3rd the blue price, is for 'members'. Membership is $1000, unless you are referred, then its $100, cash.

Nice people come in? offer them the referral price, but put it in the books at normal price, and click your fingers to a Beatles song while they fill in the books.

All your books are blue prices, All your customers pay red prices.

You can even set up the system, so employees will follow the rules, your books look correct, you pay tax correctly, you have a very decent income, no-one misses out (you even pay taxes on the 'full' amount. Why would the Taxman even come looking if it appears you're paying full tax on it all.  

All set! 

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